Discover your potentials. Make a difference. Start your journey now.
As career and brand specialists we help individuals and organizations to build their brands and tell their stories. Biographis is your coach and sparring partner for life and career design, leadership, storytelling and branding. In short: the narrative leadership consultancy and coaching practice that combines inner work with external impact. We are change agents for those who act and make themselves remarkable.
Pascal Geissbühler is a career and leadership coach, and a brand and story consultant. He runs Biographis in a network with partners from different disciplines. He has many years of experience as management consultant and leader of strategy and creative teams in rebranding and change projects. Prior to Biographis, he was a member of the executive board at a leading brand consultancy in Zurich.
Today's life models, working environments and professional roles are constantly changing. Leadership has become an attitude and future skill for everyone. To lead your own way and to invite others for a journey – as a person, team and organization. Identity building is key to this: acting with the awareness of your own and shared needs, values, strengths and goals. With self agency, purpose and an impactful story.
Together, we transform. We combine narrative leadership strategies from branding and storytelling, career coaching and life design. Our holistic approach helps people to sharpen their profile, to define their position and to tell their story. For themselves and for an organization. With the aim of aligning person, role, team and organization for positive change. Self-determined and with strategic focus.
Everyone needs a compass to succeed in an everchanging world. Our journey is about crafting life and signature stories that help to evolve the self, teams and organizations. It is about connecting with yourself and others. In short: to work on your «Social Me». We think change leadership based on a human experience. The art of becoming starts with making room for personality. Personal growth leads to organizational growth.
Continuous experience
What if? This question drives us. Our attitude: stay open for the unexpected and new narratives.
Create and collaborate
We believe in the power of ideas that emerge from a co-creative mindset and an insightful dialogue.
Experiment first
We work with what's there. Act, test, optimize and try again. Embracing ambiguity and happenstance.
Identity as a narrative
Narratives and stories provide orientation and meaning. They support and connect people in change.
We are happy to share experiences, questions and observations in the media, and to keep learning new things ourselves. Our focus is on long-term issues and background topics, not on short-term news or daily social media comments. Listen or read within a selection of viewpoints that are important to us.
Narrative Leadership
Leaders Magazine, 26.09.23
Tell me who you are, and I'll tell you how you lead. How we tell ourselves lays the foundation for our leadership.
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The rediscovery of the self
Swiss Leaders Newsletter, 26.06.23
Digitization, artificial intelligence: Our self-image is beginning to falter. What will remain when everything changes?
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The Story of You
Talent Career, 04.10.2021
Personal Branding, the courage for an individual biography, and the question of who we want to become.
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What are my strengths?
Podcast Any Working Mom, 10.03.2020
Interview of Andrea Jansen with Pascal Geissbühler about the ability to design your life and career.
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Career and digital transformation
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 28.11.2019
Interview with Pascal Geissbühler about human strengths and career design in the digital age.
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Become your own
ZHdK Leadership Essentials, 09.07.2019
Self Design is not an Ego Play, but a key future skill. A strong Me creates the better We. A personal statement.
Career design within organizations
KMU-Magazin, 29.03.2018
Individual career planning promotes employer attractiveness. What are decisive parameters?
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Designing careers
Organisator, 16.03.2018
Using your own brand as a compass for career development. Interview with Pascal Geissbühler.
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33 Questions
NZZ Executive, 03.03.2018
Interview with Pascal Geissbühler on his life and career views, his dream job as a kid and other insights.
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Career Branding
Kommunikationsmanager, 15.12.17
People can learn from brands when designing their careers. What does the new approach include?
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Omnichannel Branding
Kommunikationsmanager, 02.10.2017
The future belongs to holistic customer experiences. What are key parameters and frameworks?
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B2B Branding
Kommunikationsmanager, 23.03.2017
Key brand functions like trust building, employee identification and efficiency are crucial in an industrial environment.
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The profession of Brand Design
Kommunikationsmanager, 16.06.2014
Design professions change as business and technology do. What are job profile scenarios?
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Kommunikationsmanager, 17.03.2014
Stories connect and convince in life and in world literature. How can they be useful for organizations?
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The brand as driver for change
Kommunikationsmanager, 16.12.2013
The brand serves as a powerful management tool to drive change. What are success factors?
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Kommunikationsmanager, 13.12.2012
Leaders with clear values create identification. What are success factors in CEO-Branding?
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Management in the creative industries
OrganisationsEntwicklung, 26.10.2012
Uncertainty is part of the creative work. What are important management topics in practice?
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Chief Brand&Talent Officer
Kommunikationsmanager, 19.09.2011
Customer centric companies need new responsibilities. What about a joint brand and HR management?
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Mastering growth with Employer Branding
HR Today, 01.07.2010
Companies need matching employees. How can Employer Branding help steer the recruitment process?
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Internal Branding
Kommunikationsmanager, 22.09.2010
If you want to motivate employees for change, you need an identity and an inspiring story. And that doesn't come by itself.
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We use both digital tools and an onsite creative space for our meetings and workshops. Our office is located in in the heart of Zurich. A place for exchange, a place to explore. Our approach: inspiring dialogues. Sketching instead of PowerPointing. We live the new tradition of life, career and leadership design. Rediscover yourself. And become your own master of change. We are looking forward to your visit.
Theaterstrasse 10
CH-8001 Zurich
T +41 44 261 67 61